POST api/AdministratorStudentArea/GetStudentAreaManagement
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
StudentAreaManagementModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
UserID | string |
None. |
StaffID | integer |
None. |
MasterLabelID | integer |
None. |
ClassID | integer |
None. |
SectionID | integer |
None. |
SearchExpression | string |
None. |
SearchTxt | string |
None. |
PageNo | integer |
None. |
RowNo | integer |
None. |
TotalRow | integer |
None. |
StudentAreaManagementList | Collection of StudentAreaManagement |
None. |
StudentAreaManagementExcel | Collection of StudentAreaExcelModel |
None. |
Status | integer |
None. |
Message | string |
None. |
Domain | string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "UserID": "sample string 1", "StaffID": 2, "MasterLabelID": 3, "ClassID": 4, "SectionID": 5, "SearchExpression": "sample string 6", "SearchTxt": "sample string 7", "PageNo": 8, "RowNo": 9, "TotalRow": 10, "StudentAreaManagementList": [ { "MasterLevelID": 1, "ID": 2, "FullName": "sample string 3", "Label": "sample string 4", "Class": "sample string 5", "ClassID": 6, "Section": "sample string 7", "SectionID": 8, "Title": "sample string 9", "SubTitle": "sample string 10", "URL": "sample string 11", "URLTitle": "sample string 12", "Document": "sample string 13", "Description": "sample string 14", "OrderBy": 15, "ExpiredOn": "2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30", "CreateDate": "2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30", "IsImportant": true, "IsActive": true, "IsEditable": 19, "Domain": "sample string 20" }, { "MasterLevelID": 1, "ID": 2, "FullName": "sample string 3", "Label": "sample string 4", "Class": "sample string 5", "ClassID": 6, "Section": "sample string 7", "SectionID": 8, "Title": "sample string 9", "SubTitle": "sample string 10", "URL": "sample string 11", "URLTitle": "sample string 12", "Document": "sample string 13", "Description": "sample string 14", "OrderBy": 15, "ExpiredOn": "2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30", "CreateDate": "2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30", "IsImportant": true, "IsActive": true, "IsEditable": 19, "Domain": "sample string 20" } ], "StudentAreaManagementExcel": [ { "StudentArea": "sample string 1", "Class": "sample string 2", "Section": "sample string 3", "Title": "sample string 4", "SubTitle": "sample string 5", "URL": "sample string 6", "URLTitle": "sample string 7", "Description": "sample string 8", "CreateDate": "2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30", "AddedBy": "sample string 9" }, { "StudentArea": "sample string 1", "Class": "sample string 2", "Section": "sample string 3", "Title": "sample string 4", "SubTitle": "sample string 5", "URL": "sample string 6", "URLTitle": "sample string 7", "Description": "sample string 8", "CreateDate": "2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30", "AddedBy": "sample string 9" } ], "Status": 11, "Message": "sample string 12", "Domain": "sample string 13" }
application/xml, text/xml
<StudentAreaManagementModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Domain xmlns="">sample string 13</Domain> <Message xmlns="">sample string 12</Message> <Status xmlns="">11</Status> <ClassID>4</ClassID> <MasterLabelID>3</MasterLabelID> <PageNo>8</PageNo> <RowNo>9</RowNo> <SearchExpression>sample string 6</SearchExpression> <SearchTxt>sample string 7</SearchTxt> <SectionID>5</SectionID> <StaffID>2</StaffID> <StudentAreaManagementExcel> <StudentAreaExcelModel> <AddedBy>sample string 9</AddedBy> <Class>sample string 2</Class> <CreateDate>2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30</CreateDate> <Description>sample string 8</Description> <Section>sample string 3</Section> <StudentArea>sample string 1</StudentArea> <SubTitle>sample string 5</SubTitle> <Title>sample string 4</Title> <URL>sample string 6</URL> <URLTitle>sample string 7</URLTitle> </StudentAreaExcelModel> <StudentAreaExcelModel> <AddedBy>sample string 9</AddedBy> <Class>sample string 2</Class> <CreateDate>2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30</CreateDate> <Description>sample string 8</Description> <Section>sample string 3</Section> <StudentArea>sample string 1</StudentArea> <SubTitle>sample string 5</SubTitle> <Title>sample string 4</Title> <URL>sample string 6</URL> <URLTitle>sample string 7</URLTitle> </StudentAreaExcelModel> </StudentAreaManagementExcel> <StudentAreaManagementList> <StudentAreaManagement> <Domain xmlns="">sample string 20</Domain> <Class>sample string 5</Class> <ClassID>6</ClassID> <CreateDate>2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30</CreateDate> <Description>sample string 14</Description> <Document>sample string 13</Document> <ExpiredOn>2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30</ExpiredOn> <FullName>sample string 3</FullName> <ID>2</ID> <IsActive>true</IsActive> <IsEditable>19</IsEditable> <IsImportant>true</IsImportant> <Label>sample string 4</Label> <MasterLevelID>1</MasterLevelID> <OrderBy>15</OrderBy> <Section>sample string 7</Section> <SectionID>8</SectionID> <SubTitle>sample string 10</SubTitle> <Title>sample string 9</Title> <URL>sample string 11</URL> <URLTitle>sample string 12</URLTitle> </StudentAreaManagement> <StudentAreaManagement> <Domain xmlns="">sample string 20</Domain> <Class>sample string 5</Class> <ClassID>6</ClassID> <CreateDate>2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30</CreateDate> <Description>sample string 14</Description> <Document>sample string 13</Document> <ExpiredOn>2024-12-12T13:02:17.4473227+05:30</ExpiredOn> <FullName>sample string 3</FullName> <ID>2</ID> <IsActive>true</IsActive> <IsEditable>19</IsEditable> <IsImportant>true</IsImportant> <Label>sample string 4</Label> <MasterLevelID>1</MasterLevelID> <OrderBy>15</OrderBy> <Section>sample string 7</Section> <SectionID>8</SectionID> <SubTitle>sample string 10</SubTitle> <Title>sample string 9</Title> <URL>sample string 11</URL> <URLTitle>sample string 12</URLTitle> </StudentAreaManagement> </StudentAreaManagementList> <TotalRow>10</TotalRow> <UserID>sample string 1</UserID> </StudentAreaManagementModel>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
Response Formats
application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
Sample not available.